1. Actions
    Type: Array
    Description: Defines the types of actions the system can perform during a call, such as transferring calls, ending conversations, or inputting dial tones (DTMF).
    actions=[TransferCallActionParams(type="action_transfer_call", config=TransferCallConfig(
    phone_number="11234567890" ))][TransferCallActionParams(type="action_transfer_call", config=TransferCallConfig(
    phone_number="11234567890" ))],
  2. Context Endpoint
    Type: String
    Description: Specifies an endpoint for context-related data, possibly for advanced call handling or data logging.
  3. Conversation Speed
    Type: Number
    Default: 1
    Description: Controls the rate of speech for the AI voice, with 1 representing normal speed.
  4. Endpointing Sensitivity
    Type: Enum (String)
    Default: Auto
    Options: Auto, Relaxed
    Description: Determines how the system detects when a speaker has finished talking.
  5. Initial Message
    Type: String
    Description: The first message spoken by the AI during a call.
  6. Initial Message Delay
    Type: Number
    Default: 0
    Description: Time delay before the initial message is delivered.
  7. Interrupt Sensitivity
    Type: Enum (String)
    Options: Low, High
    Description: Configures how sensitive the AI is to being interrupted during a call.
  8. IVR Navigation Mode
    Type: Enum (String)
    Default: False
    Options: Default, Off
    Description: Settings for how the AI navigates Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems.
  9. Language
    Type: Enum (String)
    Options: English (en), Spanish (es), German (de)
    Description: The language in which the AI communicates.
  10. Noise Suppression
    Type: Boolean
    Default: False
    Description: Indicates whether noise suppression is enabled to improve call quality.
  11. Prompt
    Type: String
    Required: Yes
    Description: A required field that defines the AI's speaking content, potentially dynamic based on the call context.
  12. Vector Database
    Type: String
    Description: May refer to a database used for storing vector data for call processing or AI learning.
  13. Voice
    Type: String
    Required: Yes
    Description: Specifies the voice type or model used by the AI for speech generation.